Sunday, November 21, 2010

Awesome tool for Bible study

I finally started to use this book bought in the States 3 years ago. The girls and I take time every week to study the Bible in a deeper way. This book shows us 12 ways to unlock God's word, one for every month if you want. So far so good!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Making meatballs together

Today we made meatballs from scratch. My big helpers were David and Esther. David had a lot of fun putting all the ingredients together and then mixing everything up in the bowl with his hands. Esther helped us with the little meatballs. It would probably have been quicker if I did it by myself but it was worth it doing it with them. We ate the meatballs in red sauce for lunch with tagliatelle. YUMM......

Brothers playing time

David and Daniel like to play together a lot.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Esther loves writing!

Esther is learning how to write her name. This is her first attempt to write it all by herself!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Go boys go!

We just found out that we are expecting an other boy. We are so very thrilled! Go boys go!