Sunday, October 17, 2010

13 weeks pregnant!

I am 13 weeks pregnant. Nausea and vomit finally left my body. I like watching my womb grow and knowing that God put a new life within me. Children make my life large and full!

Homeschooling in the morning!

David 5 y.old is working on 1st grade curriculum, learning to write in cursive and doing math. Esther 3 y.old is practicing her handwriting skills. Daniel 21 months old is learning his colors and how to draw.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

David is born again!

On Sunday 1oth of October, David accepted Jesus in his heart! The next day he asked 3 y.old Esther if she wanted to do the same! She said yes! He said " Do you know that God can take your scariness away? Do you want that??"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mothers are........

Mothers are God's idea
Mothers are nurturers
Mothers are feeders
Mothers are servants
Mothers are influential
Mothers are nation changers
Mothers are generation perpetuators
Mothers are teachers
Mothers are child trainers
Mothers are watch dogs
Mothers are joyful
Mothers are fruitful
Mothers are homemakers
Mothers are home builders
Mothers are prayer warriors
Mothers are revealers of God's heart
Mothers are missionaries.