Thursday, May 20, 2010 we come!!

Sarah is going to the Nationals (gymnastics). I'm so proud of her!
We (they) are studying very hard for the exam in school in 2 weeks. They all did 2 years in one this time so Sophie will go in 3rd grade, Sarah in 7th grade (seconda media) and Eli in 8th grade (terza media). Our days are being very busy. David also started to read his first books and he is working on 1st grade math. He just loves math!! So fun to being at home and learn with them!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sophie's pony riding lessons

Sophie started her lessons yesterday. She was so excited that when she was done after 1 hour, she said " I can't wait for next time!" This was one of her Christmas presents!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Elizabeth is 12 years old!

What a wonderful day we had celebrating Eli's birthday! Lots of friends, food and laughter!! We love our baby!!I had fun making a Bible cake with the verse from Psalm 139:14 "Ti celebrerò perchè sono stato fatto in modo stupendo".

Spring time

My beautiful girls all dressed up the same in spring clothes!