Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Two days in Vienna

Matthew and I went to Vienna for my birthday. It was a very nice surprise for me since Matthew brought me to the airport without telling me where we were going! All the kids were at home with Meghan building forts, cleaning up and having fun. They had a great time and Meghan was exceptionally brave to say "yes" to Matthew`s request!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July at the lake

We are having a lot of fun going to the "Bracciano" lake almost every weekend. We just had a very nice and relaxing weekend with Matthew`s brother Simon and her wife Ema, and their kids Jonathan and Annalisa.
Unfortunately Esther is not feeling very well in these days: she is teething.
Meghan is really being a blessing, helping with the kids and with everything else.
Enjoy some pictures!!

At the lake