Sunday, September 23, 2012

Family time

Treja adventure park.
Hanging from ropes, suspended 15 feet in the air... how exciting!

Sometimes it doesn't take that much to create great memories... and kindle the 
dormant adventurer that lies deep within each one of us!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A snowy day

We live close to the sea so we dont' have snow very often. Actually I didn't see so much snow since I was 12! (in 1985!) SO it's a big deal!! The children are so excited! They are going to make a snowman with daddy!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Making snowflakes

SNOW in Rome!! So unusual! How fun!! The children had fun making snowflakes!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A very productive day

Today it was a very productive day. We start our day making some yummy banana muffins.
Then, after lunch, we used foam to makes some animals. Esther chose to make sea animals; David chose to make jungle animals.

 Finally the children had fun playing with play-doh and made all kinds of fruit with it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Picnic (and not only) at the beach!

The weather was so nice today! We packed the bags (and skateboard, rollerblades) and had picnic at the beach. David and Sophie managed to draw and write in their journals too! It was so fun doing "school" on the beach!